Author: admin

Weight loss is a significant problem in the developed world and on this website is a variety of weight loss programs and resources that should help tackle the problem. This website will hopefully be able to provide you with all the resources so that you can follow a responsible and safe weight loss program that will help you to reach and maintain your ideal weight. So people do not put on weight but merely become obese. At first their weight seem to be absolutely normal constant for nearly 15 to 20 years too. But if there is a significant change…

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Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Obesity means accumulation of excess fat on the body. Obesity is considered a chronic (long-term) disease, like high blood pressure or diabetes. It has many serious long-term consequences for your health, and it is the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States (tobacco is the first). Obesity is defined as having…

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Childlessness:- Being born a human is blessing and able to reproduce is double blessing. In our society to a woman, unable to bear a child is an unbearable suffering. And suffering knows no barrier, no caste or creed no religion or region, that is living suffering, the suffering of human race. Without children, loss of fertility may the loss of woman’s hope for future. Infertility/childlessness causes, great personal suffering and distress. Most of the agony and misery is hidden from the public gaze, and that is why this topic is still not talked about openly. The reasons for the lack…

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Acidity is caused when the mechanism of digestion which is initiated by production of stomach acid exceeds the needed limit. The protective layer which covers the digestive tract is eroded by secretion of excess acid and then the secretion of acids can cause pain. The acid secretion by glands in stomach is used to break down food particles and the gastric juices are provided from lower esophagus into the stomach. Sometimes the stomach acid released in upper esophagus, instead of moving down moves up and cause acidity. Natural Cure for Hyper acidity Acid Reflux Heartburn Acikill Herbal Capsules are…

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Herbs plays a significant role, especially in modern times, as living has started taking its heavy toll. Constant stress, insatiable desires,over reaching ambitions, sophisticated artificial life style, mad race to be on the top , extreme atmospheric pollution, damaging effects of food processing and over medication have assumed alarming proportions in producing more & more “Mental & physical” ailments, that leads to sexual disorders/ disharmony among men & women. Every second person is suffering from one problem or other. Humanity now turns towards natural medicines to cure their ailments of artificial life styles. Like in Unani medicine, herbs are used…

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