Author: admin

Get it NowGinger the perennial herb is originated in India and was introduced the China at a very early date. Ginger has been used as a spice and medicine from ancient times by the India’s and the chines. Ginger was known in Europe in the first century A.D and was mentioned by discordance and Pliny. There are numerous references to ginger in Sanskrit literature and in Chinese medical treatises. The Sanskrit name Singabera gave rise to the Greek Zingiber and to the Latin Zingiber. Ginger has been used as a medicine in India from Vedic period and is called great…

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garlic capsule (Helps clear arteries blood circulation and heal skin infections) Garlic is a gastric, stimulant & help in digestion, acts as an anti flatulent, carminative and diaphoretic. It is stimulant of kidneys and skin and is diuretic in nature. It is a tonic, giving strength & vitality, an expectorant having a special effect on the bronchial and pulmonary secretions, beneficial for eyes & brain and helps in healing fractured bones and is a great antiseptic.It has “allicin” which has the property to destroy even those germs, which are not killed by penicillin. It is thus a very powerful germicidal.…

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Introduction We are serving the humanity, for the last 70 years through Unani Medicinal System, one of the foremost alternative health care systems of the world. Hakeem Hashmi, a prominent & Pioneer Unani practitioner started “Hashmi Ayurvedic Cures” way back in 1929, at Amroha, a town at U.P. in the northern part of India. With his hard work and selfless dedication, this Unani institution has grown in to an formidable health care center in treating chronic ailments such as Impotency, infertility, diabetes & other disorders. Not only in India, but from abroad many patients have benefited from our individualized treatments…

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The few common question doctors ask to analyze TMJ problems. Are you aware or have you been made aware of clenching your teeth? Do you ever wakeup in the morning with awareness in your teeth or jaw that you have had them clenched in your sleep? Do you have had pain in your jaw joints or on the side of your face about your ears? Do you have chronic headache? Do you have chronic neck or shoulder pain? (1) Why is back trouble to some? Aside from the rare inherited abnormalities or damages done by accident injury, the fault lies…

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Foot Pain:- There is a tendency to ignore the feet and doctors pay little attention to “minor” things like aching feet, but they can cause a lot of problem. When your feet hurt, you heart all over. It’s a fact that foot miseries have a way of ‘Infecting’ the whole person. Aching feet can make it hard to feel anything but tense & irritated. Your posture will be thrown out of line. And the more out of line your body is the greater the stress & fatigue. When you are slumped over, your digestive tract won’t function well. You are…

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Ankle pain is most often due to an ankle sprain which is an injury that causes a stretch or tear of one or more ligaments in the ankle joint. Ankle ligaments are probably the most sprained ligament in the body. Close to 26,000 people sprain their ankles every day. Although most ankle sprains occur on the outside part of the ankle, they can occur on the inside as well. An ankle twist is the most common sports injury to lead to ankle pain. Joint Pain Herbal Remedies and Treatments for Permanent Relief Benefits of painazone capsule: Relieve arthritis pain and…

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KNEE PAIN:- The knees are the most easily injured part of the body. The largest and most complicated joint, the knee is used for everything from standing up, sitting, to walking, running, etc. It’s a weight-bearing joint that straightens, bends, twists and rotates. All this motion increases your risk of acute or overuse knee injuries. Acute knee injuries (including torn ligaments and torn cartilage) are often caused by twisting the knee or falling. Sports that involve running and jumping and sudden stopping and turning, But more common than sudden knee injuries are injuries caused by overuse or overload. Muscle strain,…

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HIP PAIN:- Hip pain is experienced directly over the sacroiliac joint and may extend into the buttock & even radiates down the leg. This is differs from many other conditions such as degenerative disc disease, herniated discs & arthritic conditions of the spine, produce very similar symptoms. While these other conditions are commonly considered by physicians for low back pain, the sacroiliac joint often escapes evaluation. The reasons for this are:- 1. The symptoms can be very similar to other conditions, which cause low back pain or hip pain. 2. Physical examination maneuvers and simple tests like x-rays or even…

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There are many common hand problems that can interfere with activities of daily living, including: Ganglion cysts : These non-cancerous, fluid-filled cysts are the common masses or lumps in the hand and usually found on the back of the wrist. They arise from irritated or inflamed ligaments, joint linings, or tendon sheaths. They may appear, disappear, or change size quickly, and may not require treatment unless they are painful, interfere with activity, or have an undesirable appearance. Carpal tunnel syndrome Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often include: Numbness and tingling in the hand, especially at night. Pain with prolonged gripping…

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