Author: admin

Displacement of the uterus may occur because of many reasons and it is accompanied, generally by inflammation. The downward displacement of the uterus is known as prolapse and in this condition the uterus slips downward in the space between the rectum and the bladder. The condition comes on in older women, usually those who are becoming stout, have a considerable amount of the work to do and have in child birth suffered laceration of the parts that should support the uterus. The uterus distends during pregnancy when the foetus grows, its muscles getting distended along with the progress of the…

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Breast cancer is the one of the commonest malignancies afflicting women. In some parts it is the most common malignancy. It is currently estimated that one in 14 of all female children born will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast Cancer Symptoms Following abnormalities in the breast anatomy are suggestive breast cancer symptoms: Unusual swelling of all or one specific part of the breast Continuous skin irritation or dimpling Persisting pain in breast Persisting nipple pain or inversion of nipple Inflammation or thickening of the nipple or breast skin An unusual discharge from the nipple other than breast milk…

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Vaginal Discharge Do you know the difference between normal vaginal discharge and abnormal vaginal discharge? Did you know that having a vaginal discharge is normal? Let’s take a look at various types of vaginal discharges so that you’ll know when you have an abnormal vaginal discharge. The Natural Vagina The basic function of you vagina is to provide a route from the outside of your vagina to your uterus and the rest of your internal reproductive system. The natural, acidic, pH of your vagina acts to prevent infections. The acidic nature of your vagina is caused by natural, good, bacteria…

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The vegetable karela or bitter gourd or hairy mordica helps to lower blood glucose levels. British researchers have given this plant an alternative name ‘plant insulin’. They have found that eating karela over long periods significantly lowers sugar levels in the blood and urine. Since ancient times, the extracts of karela have been used in natural medicine of their purifying qualities. Karela is a blood purifier, activates spleen and liver and is highly beneficial in diabetes. It is a purgative, appetizer, digestive, anti inflammatory, anti flatulent and has healing capacity. The karela has a strong bitter taste and can be…

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BITTER GOURD The foremost aim of parting our knowledge by writing this article according to Hakeem Hashmi the world renewed Unani physician is to reach simple Indian home remedies to the world’s urban homes who are alienated from traditional practices where patients are often drugged and even over drugged for the most trivial of health problems. Partly due to the patient’s impatience and partly due to the utter callousness of commercial medicine the present day man/woman is often over medicated than under medicated. As already we have mentioned in our many articles that all these remedies can be made at…

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Hashmi Turmeric Capsule. Order Now Turmeric is stringent and sour the taste. It is a time tested beauty aid and a nourishing herb, which not only gives natural gloss royal glow and a luster but also impart vigour and youthful vitality to the entire body. Turmeric is thus a great tonic in general aromatic, diuretic, expectorant, blood-purifier skin tonic, carminative, pain reliever of red blood corpuscles, anti-phlegmatic anti bilious, protector or eyes anti-inflammatory and imparts coolness to the system. Turmeric has long been used in flock & alternative medicines like unani, Ayurved etc. to treat arthrities, lower blood cholesterol, stimulate…

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Order Now For Turmeric Capsule In the early years of twentieth century most allopathy medicines were based on herbs. Indeed, many remedies prescribed by doctors had been used with success down the centuries. Even as late as the 1940s about half of all prescriptions still contain herbal in gradients. One of the foremost and well respected unani physician Hakeem Hashmi points out, what ever might minimize the importance of herbs and their effectiveness one such a very popular herb, world wide is turmeric. Turmeric has been mentioned in early writings of the world in many languages. The unani practitioners have…

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Order Now Medical properties of neem have been known to Indians since time immortal. The earlier medical writings refer to the benefits of neem’s fruits, seeds, oil, leaves, roots, and barks. Each of these has been used in the Ayurvedic and unani systems of medicines. Neem provides an answer to many incurable diseases. Traditionally neem products have been used against heat rash, boils, wounds, jaundice leprosy, skin disorders, stomach ulcers, chicken pox etc. Modern research also confirms, neem’s curative powers in case of many diseases and provides indications that neem might in future be used much more widely. Neem is…

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Order Now Margosa or neem is a most favorite and very common tree and is grown and found all Over India. It is indigenous to south Asia, where up to more than thirty million trees line the roads. The tree occurs naturally in the Deccan peninsula of India, but is cultivated all over India. It is also common Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, Japan and tropical regions of Australia and America. Hakeem Hashmi while elaborating about the usefulness of margosa point out that every part of the tree its rind, leaves, wood, flowers, fruits have great medicinal and therapeutic properties.…

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Get it Now (Helps relieve arthritis pain, powerful digestive agent, and effective aid to reducing cough spasms and chest congestion) Ancient unani & Ayurvedic scholars called ginger the ‘universal medicine’ with every good quality for maintaining a balanced life style. Ginger is also called as ” a union of water and fire” a wonder spice which on the hand releases a coolness to relieve soreness and on the other provides a gentle warmth to combat laziness/lethargy, travel sickness & indigestion. Ginger is pungent and a bit bitter in taste. It acts as digestive, carminative, stoma chic, and anti pyreutic generates…

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