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Even though natural healing method were practiced by ancient civilizations naturopathy as a system of medicine may not be as old the traditional medicine butt it has been practiced by all right thinking physician for more than two millennium. It dates back in essence to Hippocrates (460-377 BC) who is mistaken as the father of modern medicine. In fact his fame rests on his trying to heal his patients according to the basic principle of nature cure. He aids steer on the right diet than on drugs. “Nature” he said “are physician of our diseases”. But the real father of…

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INTRODUCTION Nature cure or naturopathy is not new to the world. In different times, every civilization has used naturopathy to cure ailments, disorders & diseases. And all the forms of alternate systems of medicine derived their growth from naturopathy. However, it has developed into a regular science during the last into a regular science during the last two hundred years, and now thousands of people in many countries are being benefited by it. Foremost Indian freedom fighter and the father of “Satyagrah” or peaceful agitation Mahatma Gandhi has given a great fillip to nature cure by his valuable experiments and…

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Introduction Nature cure or naturopathy is not new to the world. In different times, every civilization has used naturopathy to cure ailments, disorders & diseases. And all the forms of alternate systems of medicine derived their growth from naturopathy. However, it has developed into a regular science during the last into a regular science during the last two hundred years, and now thousands of people in many countries are being benefited by it. Foremost Indian freedom fighter and the father of “Satyagrah” or peaceful agitation Mahatma Gandhi has given a great fillip to nature cure by his valuable experiments and…

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The teen Age can be difficult — for both teens and parents. All those physical changes during puberty can make adolescents feel awkward and unsure of themselves. This is particularly true for girls when it comes to menstruation. For a girl, getting her first period is a physical milestone and a sign of becoming a woman. But it can also be confusing and scary, particularly if she encounters certain problems like irregular periods or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Common Menstrual Problems Most issues teens confront when they start menstruating are completely normal. In fact, many girls and women have had to…

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Get Rid of Depression & AnxietyOne of the causes of digestive disorders that leads to constipation which results piles as depression. Who gets depressed? Anyone can but twice as many women as men do, Pregnant women who’ve just had a baby, Post menopausal women & Women with a pill. Any one can, according to modern medical science, however often the cause of depression is not psychological but it is physical a nutritional deficiency. However for a woman and for millions of others there is no running away from depression. Serious depression. Not just a day of the blues. But weeks,…

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LADY CARE HERBAL CAPSULE is useful for: Leucorrhea Abnormal vaginal discharge Irregular Menstruation Vaginal Irritation Itching around the outside of the vagina Urinary Tract Infection White Discharge , Yellow Discharge Main Features of Lady Care Capsules Are: Leucorrhea Abnormal vaginal discharge Irregular Menstruation Vaginal Irritation Itching around the outside of the vagina White Discharge , Yellow Discharge Urinary Tract Infection Well balanced combination of pure herbs. has stimulatory action on endometrial wall. Improves Uterine Circulation. Astringent action on mucus membrane of genital tract controls leucorrhoea and maintains normal vaginal pH. Improves general health and relieves associated symptoms. Re-strengthens the reproductive…

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Stop Upsetting Yourself and Others With Your Moods and Feel Better Within Days! Menopause represents the end of menstruation, usually diagnosed when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months, and there is no other obvious biologic or physiologic cause. The average age of menopause is 51, but for some women it happens in their 40s or later in their 50s. Sometimes called “the change of life,” menopause is a normal part of life. Menopause relief formula Lady Care contains eight of the most tested and proven herbs that being; rehmanniae, dong quai, licorice root, motherwort,…

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How you get vaginities? Once you figure out what you have got, you probably start wondering why you got it. One possible cause is the arrival of a new organism in the vagina. What brings in these unwelcome visitors? An obvious vehicle is sexual intercourse, which can give you anything from an annoying yeast infection to a serious case of gonorrhea.But sex is hardly the only source of trouble some problem causing organism inhabit the lower intestine. Wiping yourself the wrong way from back to front after a bowel movement can deliver bacteria or fungi that normally dwell peacefully in…

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During a woman’s menstrual cycle, the breasts are affected by hormones made in the ovaries. These hormones can cause the breasts to feel swollen, lumpy, and painful. After menopause, these changes in the breasts usually stop happening. There is no definite cause of painful, lumpy breasts. Some women feel that eating chocolate, drinking caffeine, or eating a high-fat diet can cause their symptoms, but there is no clear proof of this. Fibrocystic changes in the breast with the menstrual cycle affect over half of women, and most commonly start during their 30s. Women who take hormone replacement therapy may have…

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Women’s sexuality is now openly discussed and portrayed on television, in magazines, and on the internet. Most importantly, women themselves are becoming increasingly aware of their sexuality and their sexual health. Women of all ages are learning more about their sexuality. Women’s interest in sex and responses to sexual stimulation vary widely. Although most women’s sexual responsiveness peaks in the late 30s and early 40s, a woman can have satisfying sexual experiences throughout her life. The quality of her experiences is affected by individual differences, by life situation, by age and hormonal levels, and by overall health and well-being. BREAST…

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