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LADY CARE HERBAL CAPSULE Useful For: Leucorrhea Abnormal vaginal discharge Irregular Menstruation Vaginal Irritation Itching around the outside of the vagina Urinary Tract Infection White Discharge , Yellow Discharge Females of any species have being the carrier of the progeny. She has been provided with the powers to conceive and then give birth to the same progeny of the species. Human female also gives birth to a baby. Though it seems to be very easy process but it is actually a very complex process. Female body is entirely controlled by hormones that make all the child birth possible. Though this…

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GUAVA – POOR MAN’S APPLE Guava is one of the famous and well-known fruit grown all over India and many parts of the world. Guava tree bears fruits twice in a year, in summer and winter, but the fruit in winter is considered, superior in quality and taste. The pulp of guava is very useful for human system. Guava is digestive, carminative, gives vigor & strength to heart, lungs and the whole body. It is an effective aphrodis, improves blood circulation, heals and dries wound and is an antiseptic. Hakeem Hashmi, a prominent unani physician & researcher advises a guava…

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Slim-XL Herbal Capsule is an ayurvedic formulation of the pure herbs. Slim-XL Herbal Capsule is a clinically proven, safe and effective herbal formulation that actually helps to regulate fat production and utilization. It also eliminates the craving for sweets, normalizes energy production and utilization into the body and helps you stay trim and healthy. SLIM-XL HERBAL CAPSULE helps to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation, so further fat deposition will not take place. It reduces your anxiety and restlessness and does not require you to change your eating habits. It also provides your body and minerals. People…

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Loose vagina is a problem faced by all women after child birth. When you give birth to a child, your vagina usually gets stretched out and becomes loose. Deliveries and child birth often results in relaxed pelvic muscles and leads to loose vaginal muscles and reduced sexual activity. Loose vagina reduces your thrive and satisfaction level, therefore many women go for vaginal tightening in order to regain the lost satisfaction in terms of sexual relationship. For extra pleasure in sexual life, male always prefer tight vagina. Other problems that can make sex painful or unpleasant are vaginal infections and bad…

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Herbal Treatment for Diabetes Benefits of HERBO DIABECON Stimulate insulin secretion Reduce high blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin level Increase plasma insulin and total hemoglobin Reduce serum cholesterol and low density lipoprotein Increase peripheral glucose utilization Modulate lipid profile Act like an insulin Normalize micro albuminuria Lower stress, fatigue and general weakness Prevent long term organic complications Improve general and sexual activity Maintain body weight HERBO DIABECON is a natural diabetes supplement that stimulates the production of insulin by the body and increase the glucose-induced insulin secretion. It controls the assimilation of glucose and increases its usage by the body…

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Childlessness is a medical problem that involves both the couples and both of them remain involved even if only one-person need medical treatment 18.5% of the ever-married women in India are childless. In the younger age groups a large percentage of women are childless, but the percentage drops rapidly and stabilizes at a lower level above age 35. Rural and urban areas show similar age patterns, with rural areas having a slightly higher percentage at the beginning of the childbearing period. The higher percentage of childless women in younger ages is due primarily to shorter exposure to risk of pregnancy…

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Jaundice is the most common of all liver disorders. Jaundice is a disease in which there is an appearance of yellow color in mucous membranes or eyes. Yellow color in jaundice is basically a yellow pigment which is from bilirubin. It is a byproduct of body’s old red blood cells. Jaundice may also be a symptom of many other disorders. This article will tell about jaundice in newborns and children. what is jaundice When red blood cells are removed from the bloodstream, hemoglobin, the molecule in red cells that carries oxygen, is broken down into bilirubin. The bilirubin is carried…

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The world’s ‘Top Rated’ Penis Enhancement System WITH Sikandar-E-Azam Plus Capsule You Can… Gain Up To 2-3 inches in Length and Girth Harder, Stronger, and Thicker Erections Greatly Enhanced Sex Drive and Desire Improved Stamina and Sexual Performance More Intense Sexual Pleasure Safe With NO Side Effects Why is Sikandar-E-Azam Plus Considered “The Diamond Standard” of Penis Enhancement? Herbal Cures has brought the miracle for weaker people in sex life. When people talk about penis enhancement, there’s one name that always comes up – Sikandar-E-Azam Plus. No other product can match the positive results that Sikandar-E-Azam Plus capsule formula provides.…

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Joint Pain Herbal Remedies and Treatments for Permanent Relief Benefits of painazone capsule: Relieve arthritis pain and joint problems Increase flexibility and range of motion Enhance mobility in joints and muscles Decreasing join pain and swelling Nourish cartilage producing cells and connective tissues safe and natural ingredients What is arthritis? Arthritis is a crippling ailment that affects young and old making it painful to accomplish even the easiest of every day activities.Symptoms of pain, swelling, stiffness and limitation of joint movement is called arthritis. There are over a hundred forms of arthritis affecting young and old alike. The three most…

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Depression anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can’t stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. In people with Depression anxiety disorder , the worry often is unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation. Daily life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread. Treating depression naturally -herbal treatment BRANOLE-X gives you….. Depression is more than just sadness. People with depression may experience a lack of interest and pleasure in…

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