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Karela (Bitter Gourd) is a blood purifier, activates spleen and liver and highly beneficial for diabetic patients. The plant contains properties similar to insulin which helps in controlling blood and urine sugar. With Amla, It can be employed as : anti emetic, an anthelminthic, an astringent in, anti hemorrhoids, an antispasmodic and an antipyretic. There is absolutely no side effect, safe and can in fact be consumed by a healthy person also.Fruit is useful in diabetes and sub-acute cases of the spleen and liver. Fruit is useful in diabetes and sub-acute cases of the spleen and liver. Leaf juice is…

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Aloe vera is one of the oldest known medicinal plants gifted by nature, Aloe vera often called Miracle plant known by many names, there are over 200 types of aloe vera of these only 4 or 5 are commonly used in medicines. It is perennial, succulent plant with stiff fleshy leaves.Aloe vera is a clear thin gelatinous material that comes from inside the aloe vera leaves. Aloe vera products are available in various forms like capsules, gel, juice and those that are applied directly to the skin. It has a cooling effect and is bitter in taste. Natural Cure -Aloe…

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Garlic is an important medicinal herb that is readily available everywhere, unlike some of the other herbs mentioned on these pages. It is one of the safest herbs, and as such can be taken often. It does, however, have its drawbacks, as we all know. Bear this in mind when using remedies (especially internal ones), and cut back when family and friends start avoiding you. Garlic appears to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The list is long when it comes to its uses as a remedy. This list includes wounds, ulcers, skin infections, flu, athlete’s foot, some viruses, strep, worms,…

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If You’ve Got Gum Problems, Bleeding Gum, Red Gum, Swollen Gum, or Bad Breath, Then We’ve Found The Solution For You. Commander Gum & Tooth Powder Features: The Commander Gum & Tooth Powder is more than a ‘toothpaste’. This product, which is based on an excellent herbal formula, whitens tooth as well as treats tooth and gum problems. Safely remove dental filth and stain on the tooth Removes bad breath caused by bacterial infection or food debris Clears away emerging tartar Effective in improvement of enamel and dentine Prevention of deformities in tooth, increasing tooth life (prevents premature breakage) Removes…

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Gold is not just a metal for Making Jewelry, but it is beneficial for the development of our body. It also protects our body from different kind of diseases. Gold originated from the virya (potency, semen) of fire. It is of five types. Natural combination with other metals obtained from fire or volcanic eruptions Gold prepared by transmutation of mercury Gold obtained from the mines of mountains Gold ash powder is made from pure gold. It is not made from volcanic ash or sea salt or crushed rock. Gold ash powder is a unique formulation of pure gold and pure…

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Constipation Natural Remedies, Constipation Relief Treatment Kino Churn is a natural dietary supplement that prevents and cures constipation and strengthens digestive system. It is a unique blend of herbs which have laxative properties. It stops irregular bowel habits and helps move bowels regularly and easily. It reduces the feeling of discomfort and bloatedness. Benefits of Kino Churn Prevent and cure constipation naturally Cleanse and tone gastro intestinal tract Detoxify the whole body system Improve digestion and assimilation Effective in Irritable bowel syndrome Available in powder form Pure Unani Herbal Powder and No Side Effects Constipation is defined as having a…

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Leucoderma is also known as ‘ Vitiligo’. In India, it is called ‘safed kod’ or ‘safed dag’ and is considered as a social stigma. It is an embarrassing skin disease, wherein white patches -occur all over the body including face, scalp and private parts Leucoderma (Vitiligo) is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by patchy loss of skin pigmentation, resulting in irregular white patches of skin. The white patches often change shape, shrink or grow. These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of psychological stress in the patient. It is an auto-immune condition and may have a…

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Human brain is the most sophisticated organs nature has made and interesting aspects of the brain is power to retain information, known as memory. Our memory is facilitated by brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. When these brain chemicals are low or out of balance, memory issues can ensue. Memory is perhaps the most vital of the aspects that differentiates human beings from other animals. Memory loss is unusual forgetfulness. It may refer to not being able to remember new events, not being able to recall one or more memories of the past, or both. Branole-X is a very beneficial herbal remedy…

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Alcoholism is a progressive, sometimes fatal disease that causes an incessant craving for, loss of control over, increased tolerance for and physical dependence upon alcohol. The continual craving for alcohol makes it difficult, if not impossible, for an alcoholic to refrain from drinking. Alcoholics also deny that drinking is the reason for their problems and often blame others for their need to drink. Alcoholism is caused by a combination of genetic, physical, psychological, social and environmental factors that vary greatly from one individual to another. Genetics play the most substantial part in the development of alcoholism; a person’s risk of…

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Chyawanprash is named after a great sage called Chyawan who had become very old, but once more became young and strong by taking this preparation. According to the legend, Chyawan married a very young and beautiful princess. But he soon realized that he would become a burden to her and sought help from the celestial physicians. They worked on an herbal preparation that made him young and strong again. Hence this herbal preparation was called Chyawanprash Chyawanprash capsule is very beneficial in the following conditions: Cough Asthma Chest disease Renal condition Pulmonary tuberculosis Excessive thirst Urinary disorder Disorder if reproductive…

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