Author: admin

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a challenging and sensitive subject to talk about, but it’s also a very common condition among men of all ages. Any dysfunction in the body is a way for our bodies to communicate to us that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed, and it’s the same with erectile dysfunction. Here is a short list of common causes of ED: Fatigue Stress Relationship issues Smoking Obesity Performance anxiety Alcohol consumption Anxiety and depression Diabetes Enlarged prostate gland Other medical diseases Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction: 1. Acupuncture for Male Erectile Dysfunction Acupuncture…

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A routinely regulated sleep time is of the utmost importance to our health. Interestingly, inadequate sleep meddles with the functioning of the brain and can wreak havoc on the overall synchrony of various bodily processes including the endocrine system. The National Sleep Foundation, US, recommends close to 7-9 hours of sleep for people ageing between 18 years to 64 years. Erratic sleep time for those who work till late hours or pull off night shifts also affects health adversely. A recent study links regular sleep pattern with the quality of sperm in men. Experts studied close to thousand male participants…

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Hard stools can be unpleasant to pass and may occur occasionally or chronically for some. When we eat, the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, which releases liquid and fiber into the large intestine. In the large intestine, then, the stool is formed. As the newly formed stool moves along the large intestine, the liquid is drawn out. If the stool is present in the large intestine and colon for too long, then additional liquid can be drawn out, making the stool dry and hard. Many people associate hard stools with constipation, but you can have hard stools without…

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We always hear about many times that almost every men want to have a successful love life where they can satisfy their partners and want to have a better sex with better orgasm. This can make relationship good but have you ever thought how often you heard about guy having better sex life and fulfilling desires with their partners. Everyone want their sex life to be happy and lovable but nobody cares about their partners in real men just want to have sex and as their sex is over, they just move apart leaving their partners alone. Making great relationship…

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Choosing to visit a sex therapist can be a daunting decision, requiring contemplation and courage. Ensuring that your choice of sex therapist feels correct for you, based on personal preferences, may be paramount to positive outcomes in sex therapy. Sex therapy clinic offers an open-minded, approachable  and accepting therapeutic service for clients who wish to discuss their intimate concerns, sexual health, relationship issues and more. Reasons for Sex Therapy Holistic sex therapy at sex therapy clinic can result in optimum sexual functioning because various areas of our client’s lives are considered. While sex therapy or relationship counselling is often the reason…

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Common cold, flu and seasonal fever are all caused by viruses. In most cases, the common cold and flu is caused by rhinoviruses. It is highly contagious and can infect people through direct or indirect contact and the symptoms include runny nose, sore throat, body ache, low fever, watery eyes and sneezing. Infants and children are more susceptible to these viruses because of their immature immune system that is not capable of fighting the viruses. Garlic: When it comes to fighting cold and fevers the natural way, there is probably no better medicine than garlic. Well known for its anti-bacterial,…

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An article in the Daily Mail makes the provocative argument that size does really matter — and the larger it is, the more it may matter. In fact, those lucky gals who enjoy “frequent vaginal orgasms” may be hitting the proverbial high note regularly because they are intimate with men who possess ample equipment. The Daily Mail article gets its suggestive thrust from the findings contained in a recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study, which was conducted by psychology researchers at the University of the West of Scotland, relied on answers taken from approximately 320…

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Home remedies can be very effective for treating most of the eye issues. Below, you can get list of some home remedies that can help you get rid of sore eyes with an ease. Apply Slices Of Cucumber Cucumber is very effective for treating several eye issues. In this case, as well, you can use cucumber for best effect. You can first soak cucumber slices in ice cold water for not more than 10 minutes and then you can put those cucumber slices on your closed eyelids for next other 10 minutes. Splash Your Eyes With Cold Water You can…

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Apple cider vinegar can be very helpful in dealing with erectile dysfunction and the way it helps is by improving the health problems mentioned above like high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. These conditions affect your health and blood flow to the penis, which is necessary to get a firm hard erection. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Other than this, many important minerals and vitamins are present in apple cider vinegar that can help to fight erectile dysfunction. The important minerals and vitamins present in apple cider vinegar include Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin…

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Diabetes is a grave disease in which glucose and sugar levels in the blood are discovered to be too high. The key sources of glucose are from the foods you consume. Insulin is a very important hormone that aids the glucose to go into the cells and supply them much required energy. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes one’s body is not fit for creating insulin. With type 2 diabetes one’s body is not equipped of making and utilizing insulin. Without insulin, the glucose stays in your blood and…

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