Author: admin

Beauty is certainly skin-deep and the main reason for taking care of skin is owing to the impression that it creates firstly. Today, the beauty industry is well organized and developed to fulfill the dreams with plethora of cosmetics. Looking like a celebrity is possible today with the help of innovative cosmetics, if one does not mind the expenses. Effective body care involves facials, pedicure, manicure, makeup and hair treatments. This has boosted the ultimate beauty. Taking a splash in the beauty and style world is possible by accomplishing the desired and specific look. There are many body care products…

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Thinness or emaciation is the condition when there is weight loss, either gradually or suddenly. Active illnesses, as in any fever like typhoid, measles make one thinner. In such cases, once complete cure of the disease takes place and if there is return to normal eating habits & activities, the lost weight is usually regained. There are three types of people who are extremely thin. Those who eat well & stay thin. Those who cannot digest whatever they eat and inspite of a good living because of illness or deficiencies & remain thin. Those who are undernourished & over worked.…

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Diseases and Disabilities Caused by Obesity The health problems associated with obesity are numerous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It’s a health hazard. Someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is a normal-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, Heart Disease and Stroke Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death and disability for both men and women. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, than people who are not overweight.…

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The fat distribution in the body is identified among the two types of obesity android & gynoid. Android in the male type of obesity where excess fat is marked in the upper half of the body. Android type of obesity is likened to the shape of an apple. The shoulders, face, arms, neck, chest & upper portion of the abdomen are bloated. The stomach gives a stiff appearance. So also the arms, shoulders & breast. The back seems to be erect but the neck is compressed and there will be protruding chest because of the bulk in the stomach. The…

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The steps that lead to obesity: – In the developed countries people enjoy the fruits of development and technological advancement. Because of their affluence, mechanization is available for almost all-routine chores to them. This leads to their getting minimum physical exercise. This is the first step towards obesity or fatness. In some advanced countries, mini cars are being used for going about within their expansive offices and work areas. In many homes three to four connections of telephones, intercoms, remote controls etc. restrict even the bare minimum movement of even young children. Time and labour saving devices have denied us…

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Obesity causes many diseases, some of which increase the rate of mortality. The more a person’s weight, the greater is the risk of his early death. When an overweight person dies, the death certificate does not state the cause being overweight. But it is a common knowledge that overweight persons are more susceptible to life-destroying diseases than those who are not. Obesity is always the contributing cause for such deaths. Some years back in Europe & America when the incidence of fatal disease due to overweight was taken into account, the following diseases were found to be causing early death-…

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Some girls, who used to be slim prior to their marriage, gain weight gradually after marriage. This is due to the changed eating habits or eating rich food to which they might not be used to previously. Perhaps a more care free & comfortable life is also to be blamed for this. This is acceptable to them as well as to their spouses now to consider their weight gain as a sign of good health until they become pregnant. Obesity right from the first month of pregnancy has its own disadvantages. The fatty tissues in the abdomen make it difficult…

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Those many men who have trouble getting and keeping their erections, or who shoot their load within a couple of minutes of starting sex may pray for their recalcitrant penis to stand up proud for hours at a time. But watch out if you happen to be one of them, for some men have been there and wish they could lose their erection. These are the men who are unable to ejaculate during intercourse no matter how hard their erection, and in some cases cannot ejaculate during any sexual activity with a partner present. This can cause huge frustration and…

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Penile abnormalities become more common, mainly in order to congenital malformations, are summarized as follows: 1. Phimosis normal man’s penis skin is thinner, the skin near the penis head, double folded inward against, follow-up on the penis, called the foreskin. If the foreskin mouth is small, compact package glans foreskin can not be flipped up when the exposed glans is called phimosis. 2. Department of concealed penis is fat, too much pubic bone, but attached to the skin under the penis, resulting in the Ministry of the penis hidden in the pubic skin. The disease may also merge head type…

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Premature ejaculation can have devastating long-term effects on relationships and it contributes to lack of self-confidence, embarrassment, emotional and sexual trauma.If you sometimes ejaculate before you want to, you are not alone. Premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction today, affecting tens of millions of men from around the world. premature ejaculations and weak orgasms you understand how frustrating it can be for both you an your partner. As soon as you gain the ability to control your orgasms, you gain the ability to perform for a longer period and will no longer experience premature ejaculations. Don’t…

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